Made From the Ocean,
For the Ocean

Organic Basics was launching a new line of swimwear made in part from Econyl, a fiber generated from nylon waste like fishing line and nets. Swimwear marketing can be a pretty straight-forward afair—sun, sand, beaches, insert beauty shot and call it a day. But we wanted to use this launch as a platform. Inherently connected to this product was where it would be used—at our beaches and waterways. So we used the platform to talk about exactly that, to ask our fans to think about our oceans—what they mean to us now and how we want to preserve them for our future.

Social played a huge role as we expanded our messaging around the importance of waterways. We partnered with Nordic Ocean Watch (NOW) for World Ocean Day to participate in a beach clean up, promoting activism as part of our launch. Further, we engaged with our community, asking what oceans and waterways meant to our fans, while also promoting the positives we all get from our time spent near our oceans, rivers and lakes by asking about favorite local spots.

The results were overwhelmingly positive both from a product sales standpoint as well as engagement on social media platforms. And, we showed that you can use a product as the foundation for a much larger conversation.


Dell Holiday


ISH Spirits